
posted in: Japan, Life in Japan | 0

C took her parents to Hiroshima. It was the first time she had been. As you can imagine it is quite heavy and sad to see the destruction of nuclear bombs. Please continue to pray for all those suffering from … Continued


posted in: Church Planting | 0

This Sunday we said goodbye to one of our original families. For the past three years they were part of our vision team, helped launch the church, and then led a Bible Study after the worship service after we launched. … Continued

March Presbytery Meeting

posted in: Church Planting | 0

Michael sits on the Mie Church Planting Committee and for the General Assembly he is on the Foreign Missions Committee.  He is also on a committee to foster better relationships between our mission organization and the Japanese Church.  Pray for … Continued

Building Partnerships

posted in: CBI, Church Planting | 0

CBI, the seminary in Nagoya, held an event to continue building and creating a deeper relationship with our Presbytery.  Pray the Presbytery and Seminary could build stronger relationships with each other. We often find missionaries and the national church work … Continued

Christmas Worship

posted in: Church Planting | 0

Today we worshipped together. After worship we played games, had a potluck, and ended with a candlelight devotion. We are praising God for the many opportunities this Christmas to share the hope of Christ. It seemed fitting to end the … Continued