Puppet Show

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A group from Tokyo Christian University came down to our church this week to rehearse and perform three puppet shows.  Every day the group of college students would have a devotion with our pastor, practice all day, and then gather … Continued

Summer Festival

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Every summer our Kid’s Sunday School Class hosts an Annual Summer Festival.  Summer Festivals are VERY popular in Japan.  This year the church planned for 60 and over 70 kids came.  This wasn’t including parents/guardians!  It was a great event … Continued

Gospel Concert

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To end the summer semester there was a Gospel Choir Concert today. Many members came to church, stayed after for fellowship and then participated in the concert. We are so grateful for the Wilson’s and the way they minister to … Continued

Piñata Fun

This week we have our yearly English BBQ. All the English students and their families will gather for American hot dogs, hamburgers, and BBQ food, games and a piñata. This year we decided to make on. Everyone in the family … Continued

Presbytery Sing Off

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Well, it isn’t quite a sing off, but every year the churches in the Presbytery gather together and each provide and update and sing a song/hymn.  This year Cathalain wasn’t feeling well so she didn’t participate in singing, but I … Continued