
Our private tutor and another friend from the church we attended while in language school came for this past week to visit. Although the visit began by being rear ended on a major highway (thankfully no one was hurt) everything … Continued

Happy New Year!

New Year traditions are very strong in Japan.  In America there is much celebrating with friends, however in Japan New Years is more of a family holiday rooted in deep Buddhist and Shinto traditions.  It starts with the temples ringing … Continued

Church Christmas Service

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In America churches typically have a Christmas Eve Service. At our church we have regular worship the Sunday before Christmas and then a Christmas Potluck. After the potluck we have an hour of various musical performances and games and then … Continued

Kid’s Club Christmas

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Kid’s Club was started this year for all the kids who were part of the Hug Hug program and still want to hang out together. Once a month Pre-School thru Second Graders gather for songs, games, a craft, a talk … Continued

Traditional Christmas Dinner

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It has become a tradition to invite all people involved in various church outreaches* together in December to experience an traditional American Christmas Dinner.  Well, actually it’s a lunch.  Everyone gathers, has a gift exchange, listens to Michael present about … Continued