We are officially in Nagoya! We arrived around 6pm and were met by our team member Peter. After a lot of interesting packing we were able to load Peter’s van and all cram in. Tight squeeze! We were exhausted and all went immediately to bed once arriving at our temporary apartment. We should be staying there for only a few days before transferring to Okasaki for language school.
Immediate Pray Requests
- Tobin’s Health: He is running a slight fever. We think it is more then likely from only sleeping 3 hours in the last 24 hours. Please pray we don’t have to go to the doctor and he feels better once on a schedule.
- Transitioning: We were able to get our car title transferred and insurance for the vehicle. We still need to get our visa (waiting on paperwork) and then once we have our long-term visa buy cell phones, open a bank account, etc.
- The Relief Work: Everything here is in transition with team members taking turns for days at a time going up north with delivery trucks and helping to build temporary shelters. We will be helping tomorrow with loading trucks for the next trip. Please pray as many meaningful conversations occur and pray the Holy Spirit would pierce the hearts of the Japanese people!

Kim Craven
You have the important stuff, Michael and Tobin! So excited for y’all!!!