Unfortunately, my Gospel Choir Concert debut was canceled due to rain. We drove out with the Pastor’s family to a town about an hour away for the Cherry Blossom Festival where we were supposed to perform. Unfortunately, because of the rain the event was canceled. We did see the only group that performed that entire day and it happened to be a Kid’s Gospel Group. This was a great opportunity since this was a city event and the Gospel was shared not only through music, but through a presentation by the Choir Director did.
Even though our group didn’t get to perform we had a fun time eating lunch together. Many had come out so it was a nice time of fellowship. In our choir there are very few Christians, but more people who enjoy Gospel music and have an interest in English. (I always joke it is the one place where I have the best accent.) It has been fun to be part of a choir, and I am really enjoying getting to know the other members.

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