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Welcome to!  This site is all about the journey of us, Michael and Cathalain Carter, as we begin our journey as Mission to the World missionaries to Nagoya, Japan.  The name, Cartersan, is what people in Japan will call us…thus our website name.

The Journey Thus Far

First there was a personal call in our lives.  (To read more about this check out the About the Carters section.)  Next we researched various mission sending agencies.  After a time of prayer and deliberation we decided we wanted to go to Japan with Mission to the World (MTW), the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) mission agency.

We then began the process with MTW.  We began with the application, Bible & Reformed Theology examination and various psychological/marital testing.  All of this was used to help the assessors at Readiness Evaluation (REV). REV is an intensive week MTW uses to assess a potential candidate’s readiness to serve in cross-cultural missions.  We attended REV in July ’08. Throughout the week we were evaluated from how we work in a team to our personal relational style to how we respond in cross cultural situations.  The week is intense but a great way to confirm a calling to serve in cross cultural ministry.  At the end of the week we were approved to be long-term MTW missionaries in Japan.

At this point we prayed fervantly about which team we felt would be the best fit for the team and for us as a couple.  After many discussions and prayer we were called to join the church-planting team in Nagoya, Japan.

In September we then went to Interview & Orientation (I&O).  I&O was held in Atlanta and was spent learning more about MTW and the administrative side of being a missionary.  In addition to all the workshops we went before the Committee of MTW.  We were examined by the committee and then they officially approved us to be missionaries with MTW to Nagoya, Japan!

The Journey to Come

Our goal is to reach the field by the end of 2009.  We understand this is an ambitious goal, but trust fully in the power of God to do bold and amazing works.  Next summer we will attend a Living in Grace Conference and then hopefully pre-field training in July. Pre-field is held in New York City and is meant to better equip us in cross-cultural ministry by spending a month prior to the field in intense training.

The Journey Right Now

Currently we are officially in the intineration process.  This means we are meeting with churches and individuals trying to build partnerships either financially or through prayer.  If you are interested please check out the Partnership Opportunities page.

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