Please prayerfully consider partnering with our ministry to the Japanese through monthly giving or a one-time financial gift. We currently are part of two different projects.
- “Carter – #11209” (For our Personal Support Account which directly supports our mission work.)
- “Nagoya City CP – #92895” (This account goes directly to the Nagoya City Church Plant for general use.)
MTW Donor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
1. Giving On-Line / Electronic Funds Tranfers
MTW offers a number of giving options. You can give one-time, set up a recurring monthly gift, give to a specific ministry or missionary, or even give anonymously. Our transaction system provides you with regular reports (some online) to keep you informed of your gifts and for your yearly records. Mission to the World is registered as a 501(c)(3) religious charity.
2. Donations via Check or Money Order:
Please make checks payable to MTW with the correct account name and number in the memo line.
- “Carter – #11209” (For our Personal Support Account which directly supports our mission work.)
- “Nagoya City CP – #92895” (This account goes directly to the Nagoya City Church Plant for general use.)
Please mail checks to: (Effective June 1, 2017)
Mission to the World
P.O. Box 744165
Atlanta, GA 30374-4165
3. Please send pledge & prayer cards to:
MTW, 1600 N. Brown Road; Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Click here to download the Carter’s MTW Prayer Card